Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Different Faces of Mike!

This will haunt me for awhile. It already does. Might as well share.
Plus some of you have asked- "What do you look like?" "What does the Cat look like?" Myself I'm not much of a photo man.
It wasn't until my acting years that I warmed to the camera.
Or it wasn't until my acting years that I learned to own it.
What do I mean?
One of the things you learn in life. Especially in Art and Acting.
Is you need to own it.
You need to own your time on stage, the moment, your own life.
We all grow up with things from our childhood that we might not like to remember,admit, or take responsibility for.
Anyway-own it! Own who you are -past and present. Big hair, big glasses, bling, whatever your choices. Stand by it and sell it.
You only get one shot in life.
Own it.
I'm going thru a few childhood photos for a project at the moment. I have been trying to scan all the family photos for a digital library and family tree. Its a big project. My hope is to have it done for my family and friends in December. While I was going thru a few photos-its hard not to laugh at myself.
With that-I give unto you the different faces of Mike:

I always say I'm a cat man.
But I have always had a dog in my family.
Although this picture does concern me?
It's very "Of Mice & Men". It has a Lenny feel.
It looks very much like the happy kid that ate paste.

Cabin life in Northern California. Would you let your child play with the shark kid who had a big dog down the road?

Napoleon? Tether Ball?

Drama Queen

Mike Mayonaise! Sadie Hawkins Day was tough.

The brothers. Myself, Chris, Sam, & Andy. Artist, Musician, Film Maker, Animator.We take bets on who will go bald first.

Have I changed at all?


Anonymous said...

Mike, SO cool of you to share those pics. You look like a cool kid.
I am sure you still are ;)
cheers, lisa in spain

Lindsey said...

OMG, I love this post. You got it, own it with big hair and all! Love all the pictures, you had me cracking up at all your comments. My maiden last night was Borelli and kids used to call me Lindsey Broccoli. (What's with the food nicknames...?)Neways, thanks for sharing. Talk to ya soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the peek into your life. It was fun :)

I've been working on scanning old family photos and sorting out all the information that goes with them. So far this week I've gotten 100 of them done and there is a big pile to go. It's quite a task but a real pleasure at the same time. We all need a trip down memory lane once in a while.

Cristine's Story said...

Great post Mike! Really, Mayonaise? My maiden name was May. So, it was always May or May Not. It was rough in high school. I can't tell you how many times I heard "Kim May or May Not! haha

Char said...

No Mike you haven't changed a bit. And what a talented family yo belong to. Parents must have done a great job with you boys.

Unknown said...

Own those aviators! What fun pics. I think I'm pretty lucky to know some pretty insightful people. You're in my top 10!


Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Thanks for sharing, Mike! Love the pics. You have a lot of creativity flying around in those genes. You're right, too. Own it - flaws and all! You may even inspire me to add my photo to my blog! May, or May not!!

CeCe said...

Mike, Oh Mike, Oh Mike.
Cool, Oh Cool, Oh Cool!


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