Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Beeswax Collage Tutorial

Beeswax Post!
Tutorial or technique every Wednesday.
A few tips, a little shop talk, a video tutorial or two,
a little beeswax gallery show.
Share things that have worked, and some things that have not.
What you need to keep in mind.
When watching and trading methods.
What you need to do- take what you want from any class,
tutorial, tip, etc- then throw away what you consider to be crap.
Use common sense.
Don't do what you feel is not safe or good for you.
There is alot of misinformed crap out there in "youtube" land.
Your job- to be inspired by some of what you see. Not duped.
Meaning-just because someone has a video
camera- and posts a video tutorial online.
Does not mean they are an experienced instructor looking after your safety.

#1 rule for any artist, or designer- always be taking classes, keep learning.

The more you learn-the better your storytelling will become. In all mediums.

Also learn the method or process.
Then put your own spin on it.
You are not here to emulate someone else's work (copycat)- but to learn
the process and then weave your own experiences and voice into that process.

The tips I share work for me-it is my view-
sometimes shared with others- sometimes not.
But if you like my results- then go with it!

Because I'm damn tired tonight. A long day of many things.
I'm throwing up a video tutorial. A damn good one.

A beeswaxy friend of mine.

In the last year I have seen this woman
wrestle every artistic way that beeswax can go.
The other day on her blog she got out her flame torch and her shellac.
A nasty smelling studio process for sure.
But the results fantastic.

At Ranger U she knocked my socks off with her

buzzing energy and her Jersey ways!

I believe she did one of the best beeswax video tutorials to be found.
So enjoy. She covers several great techniques.
Mold making with beeswax is one of my personal favorites.

Here is "Buzzing with Beeswax" with Suze Weinberg.
Also check out more beeswax links on the right sidebar.

I hope that you go and give some of these techniques a try.


Michelle said...

Thanks so much for posting that video. I have done scrapbooking and cardmaking but after making some paper beads with utee I saw all the type about beeswax and was curious. Now of course I am hooked and can't wait to go to Mystic and buy my supplies. Thanks Mike.

Sarah said...

You have started off your Wednesday series with one of the the best in beeswax. Wonder what next Wednesday will bring?


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