Been swamped with obligations. But here is the collage sheet for this week. Enjoy all. I wish you the best in your creative endeavors. I hope it inspires grand projects and dark rich stories.
This morning I was feeling very Edward Gorey.
Speaking of vintage and dark- my new playlist for this week- inspired by the movie "Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day" has a certain track I was able to find- an old favorite of mine "Hush,Here Comes the Bogey Man" by Henry Hall. Henry was a band leader in the thirties with the BBC Orchestra.
You might know him from his infamous recording
of "Teddy Bears' Picnic".
Another dark favorite of mine.
Give it a listen!
Talk again soon!
This is a SUPER, wicked cool collage sheet! Thx for posting it for us.
I love your work! It's a wonderful art!
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