Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Blogging Anniversary! The Mighty Six!

Happy 1 year Anniversary Mighty Six!

Same time last year.
I taught my first Blogging class at Mystic Paper.

This is what I wrote about the class a year ago:

This class has been alot of work. But well worth it. It has been my pure pleasure watching these blogs take shape. I don't believe I have ever ran into such a powerhouse collection of talented, strong, and gifted ladies before. Each one of them has a very unique and creative voice. Thank you ladies. May all your blogs flourish and lead you down pleasant roads.

I agree with all that I put down a year ago.
But I feel even stronger about it now.
All six are still blogging.
Each is still sharing and connecting on a tremendous level.
Thank you ladies for your blogging.
The world is a better place for it.
Thanks for sharing- and Happy Blogging Anniversary!

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

Take care.

Arcadia Living

Her Vintage Stage

My Artistic Side


Sweet Sage Vintage

N Your Dreams

I think that we need to get together for coffee and art talk.
Some time soon.


lifeheARTist said...

Happy Anniversary! : )

Sweet Sage said...

Thank YOU, Mike!!
What a TREMENDOUS INSPIRATION you have been. Your amazing talent and kind encouragement will be a fond forever memory.
So glad I took that first blogging 'step' into Mystic Paper!
Coffee?! .. I'm so there!

eclectic archivist said...

Missed chatting with you today at Mystic...but thanks for the hug!

Anonymous said...

It's been a year already? Wow!!!! And there's still so much more to try. When's Blogging Part 2? I'm in!
Coffee? You bet, I'd love to get together with all the ladies. It's been a great year.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and all your encouragement and support. It's been priceless!

CeCe said...

Do you know how nice it is to be called Mighty?! That is one of the reasons you are so appreciated. Would love to have a reunion. Why not an advanced blogging class?

Judy said...

A year? Really! My how time flies when you are having fun!

Always love talking shop with you and sharing ideas. What a plus you have been to my life!

Coffee??!! Anytime! I'll be there!

Arcadia Living said...

Yes - we need a blogger reunion - it doesn't seem like a year. Thanks for all your help and inspiration!

Sandy said...

Mike, The blogging has kept my art flowing! I just passed 10,000 visitors! Not bad for one year. Thank you for opening my world and keep listening to those eighty's tunes. Sandy


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